Sunday, January 24, 2016

Are the women, children, and oldsters doin' all the shootin'?

  ...the end of the world, and other fun topics

Whew, just took a break and read the news. Germany's defense minister has just stated the mideast has between 8 to 10 million more Syrian ''refugees'' headed their way with even more coming from Africa to itty-bitty Germany. Germany's native population birthrate per couple has fallen to 1.4, well below replacement whereas ''war-torn'' Syria's is 3 meaning roughly a 50 percent gain per generation. Stick a fork in them, they are done (in). I see Sweden went to open borders for mooslime sand-fleas and their rape rate has gone up 1,472%! Goodbye Christian Swedes, hello 78-I.Q. death-cultists. I heard the following from one of a large number of burly, obviously well fed blacks entering a French port: ''Give me what I want f**king infidel!'' The demands were kind of shocking at first, especially since they were seeking asylum from their own people and ''religion'', and were basically dumber than piles of dog squeeze until one remembers they are death-cultists and anyone that isn't, is slave meat or worse. After listening to a variety of spokes-sheistkamphs, the overwhelming impression was one of extreme arrogance and contempt from creatures of very little intelligence. Where's that old ''the meek shall inherit the earth''? ...more like ''the meek shall buy the farm''! The meek shall inherit a 3' x 6' plot of earth.


This is depressing. I've been wading through lots of stats on birth rates vs intelligence vs belief ''systems'' trying to turn it into some kind of whole fabric. All of the native European populations are in ever-steepening decline beneath replacement, whereas all of the Arab and African muslim populations are growing. I wonder how long it'll be before the sand-fleas will have bred enough and taken enough ''asylum'' in Europe to screw it up as badly as their home rat warrens and be looking for more non-existent elsewheres to fight? Won't really matter as we'll probably all be gone letting the mooslimes have the remains anyway. Just a stupid people following a stupid, fragmented death-cult of a ''religion.''

The median Arab intelligence is 78 which is rated:

70-79 — Borderline retarded

Limited trainability. Have difficulty with everyday demands like using a phone book, reading bus or train schedules, banking, filling out forms, using appliances like a video recorder, microwave oven, or computer, et cetera, and therefore require assistance from relatives or social workers in the management of their affairs. Can be employed in simple tasks but require supervision.

Since there are a number of mid-east languages and a severe lack of literacy, most of the sand-fleas haven't read their ''holy book'', however that is of no importance as rape, incest, slaughter, and all of the other goodies from the koran are taught from an early age. When I first read it at age 15, I wasn't impressed. After all, we had far better written dirty books. I recommend ''The Horny Headmaster!'' ;o)

African mooslimes (Boco Haram, etc.) are in even worse shape with hopelessly low I.Q.s like Equatorial Guinea's median of 59.

50-69 — Mildly retarded

Educable, can learn to care for oneself, employable in routinized jobs but require supervision. Might live alone but do best in supervised settings. Immature but with adequate social adjustment, usually no obvious physical anomalies.
Moderate and mild retardation, contrary to the more severe forms, are typically not caused by brain damage but part of the normal variance of intelligence, and therefore largely genetic and inherited. This is important with regard to the question whether or not retarded persons should have children; for especially the moderate and mild forms of retardation, with which it is physically possible to have children, are the most likely to be inherited.

It's a good thing mooslimes wipe their asses with their hands as it would probably be tough to teach them to use toilet paper.

Let's see what we have. ...a 25 percent portion of the world's population, mostly stupid, quite fanatical, that hate us. Not good. ...only 10 percent are ''radicalized''? That's 170 million headchoppers...

Q: What is the difference between a radical muslim and a moderate muslim?

A: The radical muslim wants to kill you. The moderate muslim wants the radical muslim to kill you.

We are presently in far greater danger of a nuclear exchange than we ever were with the Russians. Barring a true accident, even with Khrushchev at the helm we were safer due to the pragmatism and (biting tongue! ;o) intelligence of the adversaries. Unfortunately, an accident followed by misunderstandings was all too likely. However, due to the quantity, quality, and accuracy of the weapons, any exchange would likely be of Armageddon flavor and it wouldn't matter much anyway. Back when I worked for Sandia National Labs, we had 1,836 atomic warheads (amazing how easy it is to remember that number!) under our feet. The amount of care and shear brilliance that went into the design and construction of the devices to prevent an accidental detonation was as close to perfection as anything ever made by man. There were eleven other depositories with similar amounts and the USSR did the same with 20% fewer but higher power weapons. A total nuclear exchange if it were to occur, would probably have resulted in the extinction of mankind.

Do you think the death-cultist/pig-ignorant sand savages consider such? Do you think that is even possible? Since they want to die, that being the highest calling of pisslam, safety is kinda low on the list. They love death the way the infidel loves life. The Twelfth Imam returns...

Anybody seen the Antichrist hanging around lately?