Sunday, September 6, 2015

May Beth Montgomery

Great-aunt May Beth was 12th out of 12 children out of great-grandmother “Mama” Mamie Wallace Montgomery and probably one of the sweetest people ever to occupy this old planet. My grandmother, Grace, was number eleven and all the rest called her “Baby Grace” since she was probably one child over the limit! I've often thought a conversation between Mama Mamie and my great-grandfather probably went:

5 kids, “keep that thing away from me”, 10 kids, “dammit, I SAID keep that thing away! 11th kid (my granny), “you do that again and we are going to have trouble...”, 12th kid... I have not found any records of my great-grandfather after the 12th and the kids weren't talking.

That's from the essay titled “Beginnings”, thought it fit in May Beth's as well! It was rather strange that the Montgomery family said nothing about Lucius Shirley Montgomery I heard, even with the huge (naturally) annual get-together at Thanksgiving. I would have loved to have a copy of the photograph over my grand-parent's fireplace, he and I were clones! I do have one group photograph of him, his boss and the troops:

Great-granddad is 3rd from left, bottom row. Yes, that's Teddy Roosevelt & the Rough Riders. Great-granny sent him away, probably hoping he'd get the family jewels shot off!

Another note: I was to be named after him. Dad, quite the German, said NO!! emphatically. Thanks dad!

May Beth never married, why I can't tell for sure. She was pretty as a picture and this one of my granny is as close as I'll be able to come. I was always her official driver at the clan gatherings with a shiny big car provided (one of the Duck clan owned a car dealership in Mississippi, don't ask!) and we had a ball just tootling around! Do you remember Granny from Granny & Tweetiebird? That was her, full of beans and always in motion. Her and great-aunt Nettie were the family historians and had traced the Montgomery – Wallace lines back to the 9th century last I heard. Scottish records were fairly easy to trace with family histories kept in the “kirks” (churches). I often wonder where that huge, old family bible they had went.

There's about a millennia of family history I wish I could see. Now it has been over 25 years without contact with the Birmingham Montgomeries and the old crew are all dead. ...been to too many funerals, big family, lots of funerals. May Beth's was the saddest of all, not because of her age, because what happened. She lived alone and one morning, opened the door for a young black man. He forced his way in, raped my tiny maiden aunt, and left. He was caught, sentenced to 3 years, got out and raped her again. This time he killed her. Guess he blamed his jail time on her.

Where do such people come from?

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