Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Destruction by ISIS

It's one thing to continually hear and read about the stupid shits of ISIS destroying ancient architecture but it's a hell of a lot worse seeing it done. What is it with those sand sucking slimes and history? Does it “offend” those pieces of shit they call muhammed and that tiny little fake moongod?

History was always one of my favorite subjects, it's fascinating to try and imagine ones self in something like a Cretin trader or a Viking explorer. I truly got a lot of pleasure out of James Mitchener's historical fiction and his sales let me know I'm not alone! My folks could always tell which subjects were my favorites by my grades. I found none of the subjects particularly difficult mostly due to being home-schooled, also my granddad was a math and history wizard. Learned how to learn as well, that was the key.

There was one quarter my grades were: chemistry - A, geography - A, English - A (couldn't miss, I had Miss Walker! Yum!), biology - A, and civics (Alabama history) - F. Now I wasn't a smart-ass in class ever, pretty respectful mostly. When Mr. Avery handed out some propaganda about Andrew Jackson, the Trail of Tears, and some utterly improbable Indian architecture, I had to say something. I had read more than the State-provided text book plus my father had taken me to some of the original sites and speak with some of original descendants of the Mowa and Poarch (yes, that's right) Creek tribes the previous year. Want some history?! The winner writes the history books, however the real stuff is out there. I like history! (Just for fun & games, I was going to college in Northern Virginia years later and one weekend I was hitch-hiking to Little Falls when Mr. Avery picked me up! I still wouldn't tow the civil servant line!)

...and then some creatures without the brains God gave a circle fly blow their own ancestral history to dust. Watch it and weep. I couldn't watch such senseless vandalism twice. Moon god my ass... Stupid.
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