Sunday, September 6, 2015

Marda II

...continued   (you need to read Marda first)


In 1997, 27 years after seeing Marda for the last time, I got quite a surprise. Electronic engineering had been my career, however I was also an avid gardener. The internet had recently become available locally and I'd asked one of my friends what was the best group to contact for good “green” stuff and he recommended a site called “The Garden Web.” It's still in business, however it developed a big bad case of the kiss-Obama's-buttitus when Oprah bought it. It developed a bad case of the PC's, no fun no 'mo. Used to be if you were to goof up with one of the fori's few rules, you'd be re-directed to the Disney World site and that was called “being sent to Disney”, a cute warning most everyone got eventually. Now, if you don't find some way to bless His Majesty, the sorry-assed pResident you get banned. The Garden Party forum has all but vanished.

I was enjoying the old Garden Party forum many moons ago when it was full of friendly folk from 90 year old German war-brides to young bier-meisters, mathematicians, retired carpenters, college profs, you name it. It wasn't required to worship some jackass of a worthless pol, just try not to cuss, be careful about preaching, and avoid politic(k)s. Kinda like a real garden party!

One day a gal named Marda asked me if I was the fellow she had met in DC.

You can imagine my suprise! 27 years, lots of life had passed and lots of good stuff to babble about!

The photo is Marda at left with a friend at eleven years old.

She enjoyed the same music as I, we found “cheats” to keep RIAA at bay.

We both were serious gardeners.

She delighted in photography, I am the same with 8,000 “keepers” from my travels.

John, her husband, had his doctorate in chemistry and kept me from wasting my time on a NASA project destined to fail.
Marda and Dr. John (not the Night Tripper!) in 2008.
I wish I still had access to all of my files from the last 44 years rather than this tiny collection I was able to retrieve from that G-D piece of used dog food that stole my life.

Be wise, don't let your friends and spouse croak first, otherwise you may wind up with a terrible suprise.

                            That's one way to do a selfie!

After the Garden Party went completely to hell, a lot of us formed both public and private email correspondence and that went well, well, mostly! Ever have a send-to-all faux pas? Ouch!

The day I got out of the nursing home after the stroke, June 20th, 2012, Marda died.

I miss her.
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