Monday, August 17, 2015

College Football

Football was never a big interest in my family as we tended toward other recreational pursuits such as fishing, flying, gardening, and hunting. Also, TV was pretty-much unwatched with us kids being given little time for it and TV “privileges” could be removed easily! My mother said “I ought to switch them (she meant me of course) when I get them up because lord knows, they'll need it soon enough.”

She was right except I needed around four whuppings a day if she really caught me! About typical for a young teen.

You know how to raise male children don't you? After they are weaned, you put them in a barrel, nail the lid on, and feed them through the bung hole. When they reach 18, you drive the bung back in.

When I went off to college, I did it in a unconventional manner. My family was quite extensive and a heck of a lot of fun with lots of support in all sorts of activities. Well, most activities! ...some, welll...

Beginning in the last half of my 17th year, things around the home place became strange, almost like a soul-sucking creature had set up house with us. Everything seemed gray, lifeless, and I couldn't understand what had gone wrong. I remember my mother crying softly in their bedroom at night with the sound of my father gently soothing her. ...just didn't know.

There were two very major things that happened to me between October of 1967 and March of 1968 that affected my feelings about college football that would take a book to explain so I'll just do the basics. In 1967 I won my high school Science Fair's 1st prize in physics. They, the HS Administration, decided to send me on to the Regional which I won as well and got a bit of a fat head when NASA and the US Air Force paid a lot of attention. It was time for the State and it came with a substantial scholarship, enough to pay my books and tuition. I won, however, my high school had not paid the $4 admission fee. No tickee, no scholarshipee. Thanks a bunch Mr. Rogers.

My family was not poor. Between my father and his partner, a childhood chum, they had founded a very successful 13 year old refrigeration business, dad had his flying instructor and charter business, and I, among other things, made plenty repairing avionics. We had a fine home and 15 acres in the country all paid for, plus I was headed to a local private college to study engineering. It also kept me near my childhood sweetie, Connie, that I was to marry after college. We had been together since we were twelve and were joined at the hip! Also, there was the probability of maybe doing a bit of flying myself!

Are you beginning to get one of those “tell God your plans” feelings?

Things around home were going from bad to worse without a smile among us. My parents quit square dancing (I had loved it), dad sold the airplane, it was just getting hard to breathe. Nothing was right and there didn't seem to be a reason. The morning after graduation, I packed one small suitcase, drove up to the closest used car lot to I-10, sold my car for a song, and hitch-hiked to Washington, D.C.

The following years were not bad at all, just exceedingly poor. Being under 21, I couldn't sign a rental or lease (lived in 18 places during college), couldn't apply for resident student tuition (THAT really hurt), but I COULD go to Vietnam. My parents had split the sheets and the stories that filtered down to me were contradictory. I won't bore you. Besides, it still hurts after nearly 50 years. It wasn't until 1971 that I found out what happened. The story is pretty-much the same as the tale in “Death & Destruction”, change the names and the times. We never learn. I don't think we can.

Squeezing every penny to make tuition payments, living in some “interesting” places (those I'll HAVE to write about!), and riding the thumb a lot used to make me kinda green when I saw kids that were totally illiterate and innumerate get full-ride scholarships plus goodies that brainless muscle loves. Professional football only takes less than 2% of the NCAA players and the ones accepted have an average “career” of 3 years. One of the trio of Hell-spawned crackheads that broke my hip requiring titanium re-bar hammered in, in 2012 could only talk of his time & “heroics” with the Miami Hurricanes 25 years prior. He was one of the 98% rejected by the pros. He was sooooo smart it was a wonder how his skull could hold all his brains! A miracle I tell ya, just a miracle...

In 1981, my former wife and myself wanted to see if something could be done about the sorry state of the Suwannee County school system before our son started. The Suwannee County system was rated 3rd from bottom in all of Florida and the symptom was the near-worship of football. Turns out we were not the only parents up in arms. Ever try tilting at windmills? Priorities......

Where do you want to spend your money? What departments do you want to encourage? Geography? Math? Chemistry? English? FOOTBALL!!! Ra ra ree, kick 'em inna knee! Ra ra rasss, kick 'em in da obber knee! Who needs scholastics when we got a championship pigskin team! ...paid for by alumni and tuition from the students.

When it came out in 1979 that school tuition was used in the purchasing of two Corvettes to bribe a pair of utterly brainless pieces of meat to join the FSU football team, my interest in college football fell to its present level; somewhat lower than a snake's rectum. That made the criminality of record company payola pale in comparison. When I think of what my roommates and myself did in college to keep body and soul together, like the day we got our paychecks (different employers) and we each bought a big jar of peanut butter and a loaf of WonderBread home, or the morning we had oatmeal but no sweetening (you can't eat unsweetened oatmeal!), went to a local diner and stole packets of sugar...

...but the tuition got paid.

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