my faith is as strong if not stronger than ever but I cannot be a
1985 I accepted working a series of jobs at Sandia National Labs in
Albuquerque, New Mexico. One major reason for accepting SNL was the
fact that it was operated by a commercial company, AT&T, and did
not the have the university work ethic instead, it had the
commercial/industrial ethic. A job that could be accomplished in one
year at Sandia would take six at Brookhaven which would have driven
me mad! The problem with Sandia is its location in the most
crime-ridden city in the continental U.S. At present, according to
the FBI, Albuquerque has 16 times the rate of violent crime than that
of NYC. The FBI has a disclaimer on their statistics stating they are
the rates reported by the cities themselves. In 1987, the Albuquerque
police department reflected the general population in being 90 per
cent hispanic and would
not even
investigate a robbery of less than $5,000 of 1987 proven
value and assault and battery unless the victim was immediately
transported via ambulance to a hospital. I wonder about homicide? Got
lots and lots of sand all around...
first two weeks were spent in orientation and Sandia put new-hires up
in the Winrock, very high security, and afterwards, I rented an
efficiency on Kirtland Air Force Base. Extremely high security. When
the time grew close for my family to join me, I rented a two bedroom
in northeast Albuquerque (allegedly safe) for the crew while we found
something permanent. Nice neighbors, nice landlord. Yeah. Right. A
couple of days after moving in, the locking plate on the gasoline
filler was ripped loose and the tank siphoned dry. Didn't bother
repairing, the nasty things would just do it again. Didn't dare put a
locking gas cap on. I was warned they would just use water pump
pliers and wring it off, destroying it and the filler tube. Just put
in $1 worth at a time! ...also got the vehicle royally keyed for
the 12 volt DC to 120 volt AC inverter stolen. Headless bolts are no
prob for a mex. They just pry it out. Got the new stereo FM &
speakers as well, they probably got $2 at the flea market.
What can you get at a mexican yard sale?
Yer stuff back
disgusted with this “safe “ area of town (actually it was as I
sadly found out) and moved to a nice little house on a cul de sac in
an alleged “safe” area closer to base. Had to move anyway due to
Norte Americano Van Lines, seemed they wanted $5000 per month to
store 1/3rd
of a trailer load of goods. Nice racket. What do you expect out of a
bunch of lovely brown brothers?
know what's gonna happen, don'tcha? Yep. The bastards gave me four
days of peace before coming home from the lab to find 21 moving van
packing boxes, an enormous set of tools and tooling from my lab in
Florida, my new Zenith television and Litton microwave, and my long
arms gone. They would NEVER find my pistols as they were hidden where
the filthy animals would never think (think? Animals like them?) to
look: in the washcloths. One of the long arms was a special
Winchester 12-12 skeet shotgun made in 1922, appraised at $4,500 back
in 1971. My grandfather left it to me. Thanks, dipshits.
stayed at that address for quite a while. With my wife and children
not joining me, I didn't have to worry about the little gringo kids
being eaten.
I moved nearly to the base, a VERY secure area. It felt much better
than the gang-infested (cockroach infested) neighborhood that was
SUPPOSED to be "safe". Not long after moving, I went to
rent Nina and I a couple of movies and before returning, stopped to
see a couple of Sandia new-hires new to Albuquerque. We visited until
dark and I made my farewells, walked toward the Land Cruiser, and
noticed a trio of strange mexicans approaching. Yep. Time to give God
another giggle. The filthy vermin who were complete strangers to me
tackled me with one of the goddamn bastards pounding my head against
the street curb.
remember someone screaming and the expression on the insanely vicious
Hell-spawn's face that was pounding my skull. I regained a degree of
consciousness with Curt and Carol attempting to wash out my head
wounds. The next few weeks are lost to me except for the unending
pain. My injuries included a broken right wrist, hyper-extended left
wrist, broken left shoulder with joint damage, broken left shoulder
blade, fractured skull, neck broken in two places, and my left eye
partially gouged out. Thankfully, no major nerve damage, just
permanent astigmatism.
New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment! ass.
all over, right? Not so, mescal mouth.
end of my second year was coming up and I had oodles of vacation time
that I would loose if not used so I stayed in bed while Nina went to
work. I planned to go to Tijeras later to purchase new New Mexico
auto insurance and poke around the
weeks, 4 days after
market there. It was a nice area, few mexes, just Indians and Anglos
mostly. Albuquerque was just a steaming pot of rancid dog squeeze,
not fit for human habitation.
went to leave, came back in and asked "Michael, where's the Land
you feel the love?
was found a week later joy-ridden, wrecked, tangled in scads of
barbed wire, stripped of everything not destroyed, the usual by our
sweet, brown, highly moral and intellectual brothers. May they rot in
Hell. It was brought back to me in a flat-bed dump truck.
oddity in Albuquerque is the enormous number of houses fitted with
burglar bars on the windows. Gee, I wonder why? Is it a outdoor
prison? Homes for insane? There is a requirement in the building code
that the bars be capable of being removed from the inside in case of
fire. The mexes just cemented them in. Lots of fires in a city of a
half-million. Lots of fried mexicans. The Bible is clear about loving
your fellow man. So help me, I couldn't. I felt joy. Made me sick.
can't be a Christian anymore.
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