Sunday, August 23, 2015


Once one tries to reconcile two opposing mind-sets, i.e., a dichotomy, and accepts the results, one is a democrat. “Balanced budget” & “increased spending”, “better education” & “throwing more money at a proven failure”, “increased nat'l security” & “adding a new cabinet pos (intentional)” “Homeland Security” which grew a HUGE bureaucracy “trying” to consolidate 16 Federal agencies, failed miserably, had more money thrown at it, grew even huger, became even more worthless, curtailed the freedoms of its own citizens, is a howling bureaucratic nightmare... Amazing what the sandworms could do using only a few dime-store box cutters, our airplanes, our fuel, and our buildings.  Wonder if taxpayers paid for their flight school as well?

    noun: schizophrenia
    1. a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.
      • (in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.

Democrats are my favorite critters to debate! Well, actually, I like to see how quick I can get them sputtering and puffing trying to reconcile two opposites! Of course it's just about as easy to do it to Republicans these daze, they've mind-melded.

Or take Islam, the “religion of peace (pieces)”. In the Koran, there are 109 references to killing the infidel in various ways and more on screwing infidel women. It's not my interest to list them, indeed, I've spent too much of my time studying the alleged “holy book” only to find that the parts not lifted from the Old Testament or the Torah consist of 20% material totally unintelligible by any scholar and approximately 10%, the ramblings of a homicidal, pedophilic, maniac. Can't be reconciled. Since 9/11, there have been 26,727 terrorist attacks, doesn't jibe with the “religion of peace” unless one considers death and dismemberment “peace.” A barbaric death cult generated and spread like a disease.

In defense of folk that follow 'ol Mo, they are not all idiots. For over a hundred generations, they've been trained from childhood to truly believe the “righteousness” of blowing one's self up with a lot of infidels will get them to their “paradise” full of pussy and booze. If I was a retarded, inbred sandworm who stood a smaller chance of gettin' any 'cause the big worms got lots, and booze was forbidden in this life, I'd probably take the earthly bang to get banged in Paradise!

I've been re-reading up on President John Adams and the Barbary pirates and, rather disgustedly, John Kerry and the mad mullas of Iran. Is there anybody more stupid than Kerry? He testified before congress a couple of weeks ago and I could have cried.

Doesn't anybody in the real world understand the
meaning of taqiyya? ...that there cannot be any treaty with muslims? Get real. Actually it doesn't make any difference as we are giving them $150 billion and 24 daze notice to inspect themselves. Ho hum.

I bet they can make a lot of nukes and delivery systems with all that green. Nah, they can just drive across our undefended borders with trucks rigged to go boom. Wonder if atomic bombs will get them to paradise and all the swigs and nookie sooner? 

This is cute. Too bad it's true instead of parody.

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