Tuesday, August 11, 2015

John W. and the Frog

In August of 1975, it was vacation time again. Silicon Valley took the European style of taking the entire month of August off, leaving just skeleton crews to take inventory and hold the fort down.
Normally I went into the wilderness areas of the Sierras and, back then, it was possible to hike areas and not see another soul for weeks. Back in the Bay area, life was intense to say the least and for a young electronic design engineer, nearly insane! Time to recharge batteries...

John had taken a classified contract at Eglin AFB in Florida to do some work on the HELO system. HELO stands for High Exit Low Open parachute system for low observable insertion. Now I was a single engine private pilot and stood by other pilots in that it is a really dumb idea to jump out of a perfectly sound aircraft and jumping out at 30,000 feet with 1/3rd atmosphere at 50 degrees below zero only to open the chute a bit later at 1,000 feet and lots of 95 degree, 95 per cent humidity air is just plain dumb!

Now John had previously been in the Air Force, didn't really work out too well. Seems after joining, he was rising in rank steadily for the first four years when his commanding officer ordered him to do something John found objectionable. Well, John's reply wasn't very well thought out having to do with his CO doing a deed that would require reassignment surgery. John got bounced back to private, last class. He stayed in the USAF anyway and steadily rose in rank for the next four years. Are you seeing a pattern forming? This time his CO was still not having any of it and yep, private, last class.
As John and his wife were busily making kids, his income scraping out Air Force latrines wasn't going very far and the domestic scene could have used some improvement. I don't know any male that considers child support and alimony an “improvement”, especially in a situation like his. Been there, done that, got the pictures (and the bruises).

After he had had all the “improvement” he could stand, he became a civilian contractor for the Air Force and life became MUCH better. He had one Air Force job that needs telling due its effect of permanently curing hemorrhoids but this story is about the frog. 
Well, I had decided to head 'souf that Summer, see the folks, old friends, and head over to Destin for a little spear fishing and swapping lies with John. A seemingly innocent little occurrence toward the end of my stay in Alabama was to have a profound effect on the rest of my life, however it has nothing to do with John's frog.

I had borrowed a Land Cruiser from my father for the trip to Florida and learned again the difference in climate between the Bay area and the 'souf in the Summer. 90+ degrees, pouring rain, condensation quicker than could be wiped off in the un-air conditioned Land Cruiser. I'm Home!

It was a bit like old home week for John and I. He had an earlier visitor in Destin that, unknown to him, would be responsible for the best change in his life. Has nothing to do with frog.

The week was a lot of fun. Days were full of snorkel spear fishing, babbling with the folk at the dive shop, and looking at girls. I'm real good at that, got lot's of practice! There was one less than optimum occurrence; while spear fishing about 10 feet down off the pilings of the middle of the Destin bridge, 2 sharks 8 or 9 feet long passed about 15 inches er, feet under me. I don't particularly like critters that want to eat me. I kinda liked the way I was as it seemed much better than being a collection of shark turds. That would make me sad. One is told not to panic or splash around when one is in a dicey situation. I'm proud to say I didn't. My brain (what brain?) shut down and I planed much like a flat rock to shore 3 light years away. After arrival, I did notice a brown stain in my wake.

I don't much care for sharks.

Evenings were good. John had a nice, fat expense account so we kept ourselves well fed and watered. There were lots of good things available to do in the evening that had a low probability of serving much jail time. Friday evening he told me we were both invited to a get-together Saturday at a beach house hosted by a bunch of young Air Force pilots and their gals. Lots of food and drink, conversation that will be all that good pilot stuff, and maybe a loose woman or two. Alas, that last was never to be and the curse of the G rating still remains...

I ate 4 pounds of boiled shrimp washed down by paint stripper. Bad idea if I were to continue so when the party was breaking up to do Saturday night things, I begged off joining the crew. The probability of serving jail time went waay up! John did (he was shopping for frogs) and I went night fishing. Regular type that is. Being eaten by a fish in the dark doesn't appeal much.

There wasn't anything worth keeping, just sail-top cats and an awesome number of crabs that dropped the line before I could pull them up to the bridge-top. Didn't matter as I wasn't meat fishing. Just a nice night with a cool sea breeze. Decided to hang it up around 3 A.M. and headed to the beach to sleep.

Woke up before dawn with something seriously wrong. Later, I counted 800 bites on my left forearm alone. Couldn't count the rest, too dense. Sand fleas. Both arms, pits, shoulders, neck, face, scalp. Thank God they didn't get in my pants. I would have shot myself right there.
Went back to John's. The door was wide open. Strange. He was home, his car was there.
Went in only to find John on the couch swollen up like a corpse and looking worse. Seems he and the crew went out shopping and among other items, had T shirts made with latex decals which John found out, he was violently allergic. Spent the night in the ER having things done to him. Quite a pair. The motel had a bar accessible underwater in the pool. We spent the evening commiserating sitting on bar stools a foot under water. Nice and cool for feverish corpses.

Oh, before I forget, John's decal. Its impression really stood out on his hide. A chest-wide frog. Labeled “RUBBIT”. Horny toad of course.         

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