Saturday, August 15, 2015

Cutting One's Own Throat

The USA will be a very different place before my children die. I'd like to hang around to see how it'll actually take place but that ain't happening. California is already Aztlan as well as New Mexico with the rest of the Southwest soon to follow due to the extremely high birth rate of 8 children per Hispanic woman. This compares to the black rate of 6 per woman and the white of 1.6 to 1.8 children per woman. I suspect the white having different rates is due to some measurements taking some Hispanic included as white. I suspect the “official” US population figures of 17% Hispanic and 13% black are badly in error due to the black population being 11% back in 1965. The percentage change doesn't fit the birth rates. 

There isn't an accurate way to determine illegal alien immigration; California, plus the many sanctuary cities are proof enough, plus the “compounds” less-than-reputable businessmen maintain as told by the census lady in 2000 is damning. “What illegal aliens? I don't see any illegal aliens.” A few years ago, ICE raided Corbetts Mobile Home building joint, sending about 200 Mexicans hauling ass toward the woods. Of course one is not supposed to hire folk that have arrived with damp shirts.

Wonder how that turned out? A dozen years later Corbetts is still in business. The compound having 3,500 illegal aliens in Suwanee County is still there I'm told. “What illegal aliens?”

There was another really fine firm in the little, un-incorporated village of Wellborn, my home. It was known as Suwanee Log Homes and was as professional and polished as one could want. All of the homes were made of rot and bug resistant cypress beautifully milled to the buyer's specs with all the finish materials provided. A turn-key home was arrangeable if the future owner wished and could afford it! These things cost about 2-4 times conventional construction and SLH always had a huge backlog. The reason I knew so much about the firm was 1) due to my possible interest in a custom design, and 2) my next-door neighbor was one of their expediters.

You just know something bad is gonna happen, don'tcha! God needs a giggle...

The staff and construction crew were all local blacks and Scot/Irish, knew what they were doing, and were always cheerful. I was up there often for one reason or the other, mostly to have some of the happiness rub off, and I can't remember ever seeing a crew that effective.

The owners had one of their own with majority control. He wasn't the originator and his ownership seemed shady, however on that, all I have is gossip. He had another business that needed money and THAT one was shady and shaky. How to get more money out of SLH? Why, cut labor costs! What could be easier! There's a whole passel of cheap labor in a compound nearby that won't let the Census Bureau or the FBI in but will gladly send all the “help” you need!

Do you see something coming? Is the light at the end of the tunnel a train that is about to run you over?

Did I mention nearly every job there required skilled hands? A common language was mandatory as some folk found out the bloody way. Also, you don't bring home parts of the equipment that provides your employment no matter how bright and shiny they are.

Yep, he canned the entire crew with the exception of the three English speaking expediters who were absolutely necessary. It ain't done yet...
Well, Suwanee Log Homes continued to “work”, stumbling and thrashing about like a gut-shot drunk. Lumber cut to the wrong dimensions, notches where windows were to be, hardware missing in the shipments (disappeared between the warehouse and the shipping trucks and I mean a lot!), the place and the shipments were a shambles. The customers were far more than irate.

There was one thing that the folk with the damp dorsals did that I found quite amusing. The toilets there were the permanent porta-potty type which they would not use; didn't want to be caught by ICE that way. What they did was remove the toilet paper from the crappers and go shit next to the railroad tracks. In addition, the crappers and where the dorsally damp did their deed, was right next to the entrance where all supplies were delivered. Always lots of wind-blown used toilet paper and a wonderful aroma for the delivery men! Classy...

After many years of successful business with a fine product and service, Suwanee Log Homes economized itself to death. No jobs for anyone. ...sigh....
Other essays including illegal aliens and grotesquely criminal wrongdoing are “Dawgs vs Illegals” and “What Happened to My Christianity”

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