Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Where Did It Go?

It seems in every generation there's heard “when I was a kid, things were so much better...” and you ignore it because you've nothing but old, moldy records to do any comparison. Besides, you're in your 20's, making plenty of money, childhood is just behind, and well, what do they mean by “when I was...”?

Then you get to be 40, a tad cynical, and are curious what happened to the flying cars and trips to Mars that seemed so possible just a couple of decades ago? There's more politicians promising more programs, hiring more civil servants to do more “things” that we should do ourselves and no flying cars or trips to Mars, just the occasional robot doing robot things and our human-carrying rocket-ships are all gone.

Time continues to pass with ever-shrinking goals. What happened to fusion energy that was so close yet so far such a brief time ago? We have fancy, extremely expensive “stealth” bombers and fighters yet all we have for flying cars are a few homemade jobs that are kinda neat to look at. That's it. Kinda neat to look at.

...and the big medical bugaboo, the word that frightens most everyone, CANCER! We were gonna lick it 40 years ago. Billions and billions of War On Cancer dollars later, what do we have? A 5% improvement in the 5 year survival rate.

Vaccines. What a miracle! 60 years ago mothers kept their children at home when it was “polio season” which came as regularly as flu season. No one much remembers the horror of kids in iron lungs, wheelchairs, with drastically shortened lives... There was a huge medical growth in vaccines for almost all childhood diseases, mumps, measles, chicken-pox that most of us old farts had. Diphtheria? Gone. Tetanus? Ditto... Then it got more and more expensive. Our vaccines were all coming from overseas, we quit making them. Why? Oh. Lawyers. Lots and lots of liability laws and lawsuits. The companies were leaving for countries like India and China, Britain and France...

Twenty more years of ever-shrinking goals and ever-burgeoning population with the Cold War between two technically advanced and “mostly” rational ideologies changed for one that has a plethora of squabbling, ignorant, death-cultists wanting us dead is such a fine legacy. They are sooo rational and sooo honest, who wouldn't trust them to keep their word? With the huge world-wide population even a “small” nuclear exchange will cause so much chaos as to be unthinkable... Trust is spelled taqiyya.

Do you remember when the United States of America was proudly known world-wide as the “Great Melting Pot?” Now it is “Diversity” unless one is of the evil, domineering, divisive, despised species that, once-upon-a-time, invented all kinds of neat stuff. All Hail Diversity! Now we have a country more divided than South Africa during apartheid.

Another 20 years are gone. No flying cars. No rocket-ships to Mars. The Melting Pot is a Diverse armed camp that no one travels through in the night.

Medicine? Ebola. AIDS. MRSA. TB. Drug-resistant everything. ...and a drug culture consuming ever more potent products manufactured by a ever more illiterate, psychopathic criminal class...

What happened?
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