Saturday, February 27, 2016

Continuing pattern...

10:57 AM, 2/27/2016

Lungs suddenly cleared leaving me able to breathe fully & normally with all my strength (such as it is) recovered. After awakening at about 2 AM or so and feeling very weak, having difficulty breathing (shortness of breath), went back to sleep fitfully until nature called around 7 AM. Very weak, kind of scary getting in and out of the bathroom, afraid of falling because I was so weak.

This is just one incident, too common, and pretty-much explained by my dearth of physical rehab at SHCC which was vastly different than Macclenny Nursing & Rehab. SHCC did the absolute minimum, which would be what the ‘state’ required. That was not enough to ‘rehab’ anyone at all and with most of the victims being so drugged up, did nothing to improve their health and most went along with it as they had no sensibility to object. In my judgment, this was and is unethical and by any human care standards (not ‘state’ standards), criminal. Any attempt to change the ‘routine’ was met with more than resistance, indeed, earlier ‘inmates’ blew up and ‘disappeared’ without me being able to find out what happened to them. They (Chuck, Jerry, & Harry) did have family and friends, possibly they were rescued by same. Three years of that dreck... continue, it has only been three weeks since departing SHCC and I am in much poorer physical shape than I was when I left Macclenny (see Institutionalized for more) and I expect my self-directed physical therapy to take much longer than Macclenny’s good, albeit not ‘state’-approved therapy. SHCC has done zero in any follow-up. Ethical? Your call.

Enough crabbing for the moment. Today is another shopping day as I’m out of food again. Having nothing but that underpowered rescued-from-a-Bombay-garbage-dump microwave and the usual beer-cooler fridge for storage, this is part of my ‘physical therapy’! The gray roofed structure on the left is my starting point. Each entrance and road crossing is a lot of work for a rather weak crip in a wheelchair to negotiate and a bunch of stopping and puffing is necessary to get to Walmart on the right. It’s all uphill of course. What’s even more fun is the return with my goodies; it is also uphill!

I’ve never figured that one out! ;o)

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