Sunday, February 28, 2016

Serious Brain Damage

It's way too late to save the republic. Between the enormous population gains of the mindless, ravenous, extremely fertile Islamic hoards re-locating themselves in the West, and the minuscule birth rate of the producers, this century will see the last of humankind's dreams for quite sometime if not forever. One can not "worship" an evil "deity" that demands absolutely insane, inhuman articles that have paralyzed the poor, inbred bastards for the last 1,400 years, reproduce like cockroaches, and overwhelm the 8% of the world's population that progresses and expect any possible advancement. Islam being nothing but a death cult now with atomics WILL lead to disaster. Allowing this horror to fester into the atomic age is all our fault and the ensuing Hell to come is all our fault. We let poor, ignorant, retarded baby play with matches until we developed atomic weapons, then let baby have them. It's all our fault.

I've often wondered why women's lib hasn't crawled all over the stench that is engulfing the world. Islam is so ready-made for their angst with every article I can think of 180 degrees out of kilter with their platform. The silence is deafening. Why?

Are there any intelligent muslims? Absolutely. ...and the same are absolutely evil. Read the only book muslims have found necessary all these murderous, thieving centuries. "People" professing to believe in the "religion of peace" have or have read to them as they faithfully carry out the bloody barbarism that has been and always will be the horror of Islam.

Undoubtedly you have noticed throughout life that children are easily swayed by adults. Imagine a whole people that have uncle / niece couplings "sanctified" by their society for over a thousand years and have a pack mentality where only the big dogs get the bitches which they keep in bags. The bitches can not leave the pack dwelling without an approved guardian, supposedly to keep the ever-more inbred crotch fruit "pure." The unfortunate, mindless little dogs must find another way to satisfy their needs; hence, goats and donkeys being the preferred objects.
Now you've got a multiple-century old population of mindless myrmidons that'll believe just about anything, especially things with pussy in it, and 72 self-healing virgins sound like paradise! (I TOLD you these critters are dumb! ;o). ...and booze! Can't have it on Earth, however all ya gotta do is get yourself blown to retard-dust trying to kill the infidel and suddenly there's all this free pussy (bettern' goat!) and booze!

I have been studying I.Q.'s and I.Q. trends in relation to race, religion, and education. It was quite interesting that education seems to have no effect, or at least below measurement thresholds, on I.Q. This was expected as the testing does not require literacy.

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