Saturday, February 27, 2016

Destinations 2-20-2016

I’ve come to a handful of conclusions & directions about my likely destinations after getting out of that prison known as SHCC. Even now, nearly a month out, I awake each morning hardly believing I was able to retain my sanity while I was incarcerated. If people just knew how awful it was being in that ‘facility’ where 90+ percent of the residents were nothing better than slack-jawed, mouth-breathing droolers. The working staff (not ‘management’), most of who were very temporary, were for the most part very good and very quiet about the ‘medical’ treatment of the residents. That last day when my leaving became a certainty was when the nurses became open and honest with me. They knew the actual reality of the situation I was forced into enduring would have been totally intolerable if I had known the facts with no recourse available.

The routine drugging of the residents simply re-enforced the ‘need’ to keep otherwise functional human beings locked into that place. Why? I can only speculate, however having my former experience with Macclenney Nursing & Rehab, sheer sociopathic greed by management could be the most likely cause. To this day, all those years of SHCC and I still don’t know who the CEO was?

At $98,000 a year for the 8’ x 12’ section of a double occupancy cell (additional fees for other ‘stuff’) with no access to anything even slightly engaging, life under heavy tranquilizers would seem better. However, if you were to see what the poor victims were like day after endless day, you could truly appreciate why the working staff were so often very temporary. Poor, lost souls, some openly praying for the Lord to take them, many loudly cursing the staff, most common of all were those with thousand-yard stares. Too drugged, too numb, just blobs of what once were mothers and fathers with lives, hopes, and dreams... ...and too far gone in the drugs to ever be even partly human again. Yes, the drugs ARE permanently disabling.


I just accidentally erased three, well thought-out pages of this missive. They took me an hour + a piece to write.

I'm gonna go outside and eat worms...

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