Saturday, February 27, 2016

Warrumbungle National Forest

This morning in the wee hours it started storming with lots of warm, windy rain including a light show Florida is so famed for. The Warrumbungle Jungle is nearly the opposite. I rolled out and just soaked it up thinking about all the marvelous people and the toys I got to play with there back just after the seas had retreated and the first life had emerged on land!

That site appears to be from Siding Springs and I had a beautiful sunset photo from that very location. 4,000 photos of my many trips were destroyed in the 1998 El Nino flooding. We had over 4 feet of rain, just over-whelmed. 


One weekend morning, a pair of Aussie Park Rangers I knew decided I needed a little exercise and it was time to take a break from the observatory work. They knew I had spent a lot of time rock climbing in the Sierras and thought I'd enjoy a little Aussie equivalent. Yeah, that was their idea of a good rock climb! Rotten old volcano core, so crumbly one could grow a garden on it...

One of the guys took a photo of me. Now I was very fit, experienced rock climber, however that loose stuff with zero safety lines cured my hemorrhoids! Sheesh! Were they enjoying my problem? Of course! Don’t fret, I got thoroughly even! There are ways, oh yes, there are really rough ways… A Scoutmaster who I was assistant scoutmaster to in California, taught me during one two week trip with a bunch of Boy Scouts how to effect total, self-inflicted misery on such. At least no one died either time. God will call him to task (and me too ;o). Irv, wherever you are, I hope He had mercy on your smiling, evil little soul!

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