Tuesday, February 23, 2016

...another FUBAR Monday

This is getting funnier each time.

This morning, at last, I had my appointment with what I hoped to have as my primary health provider. Dynamic Health Center had been my first, selected by Macclenney Nursing & Rehab, after leaving them. I found them quite good in all respects and would have stayed with them but for the G-D crackheads that mangled me so badly that I wound up in SHCC for so long.

If you have not read it, go read Hindu Medicine Show for my 'respect' for the witch doctors that have replaced actual doctors. I hope that you never have to go through what I have. These 'things' are not doctors. 'nuff said, read it.

Anyway, Suwannee Valley Transit which provided transportation for crips like me, could no longer provide transportation to medical appointments, the 'rules' had changed and the only trips they were allowed to accept were those like Walmart and such. I'd have to go to my 'assigned' HMO for medical trips through something else. As it stood, United Healthcare is no longer accepted by them and United is no longer providing transportation to ANY medical appointments. Yeesh. The gal at SVT offered a work-around and that was to pick out a nearby location (any place not medical) and just wheelchair on over.

I got my ride to a supermarket near Dynamic Health and since I was early and it was a beautiful morning, rolled on down the road enjoying being away from the hindu-run roach motel. I hadn’t gone more than 2 blocks when a young Persian kitty ran across the lightly traveled access road as if a pit-bull was chasing her and got hit. The very next car stopped and the woman got out and held the poor thing in her final couple of minutes (broken back). A bad start (and finish) for her and…

Went in for my appointment which was moderately needful as it had been nearly a month since I’d left SHCC and a few things were definitely not right. The folk there were as pleasant and professional as I remembered, but...

Yeah. You guessed it. They no longer accept United Healthcare. I’m unfailingly polite to most everyone and merely said “Obummercare strikes again!” for which the gal burst out laughing and replied “I’m glad you said that!” She gave me a list of alternate providers and the best way to deal with what she and I knew would be a bureaucratic nightmare. It was. Four hours worth. I won’t even know anything earlier than by the end of the 1st week of March. Just for fun, I had one of the gals at DCF in stitches! It beats being rude to the poor things as they would just bring it home, beat their kids, and poison their husbands!

So, what do we have? 3rd world medicine. 3rd world transportation. 3rd world housing. 3rd world bureaucracy. A 3rd world (wish he was that good) pResident.

Just for fun, read Where Did It Go?

* * * * *

Don’cha love it? US lawmakers move bill to bring in more doctors from India. How many more pure, brainless, uneducated, hyper-narcissistic, pieces of dog-doo do our brilliant ‘lawmakers’ think we need?

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