Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Stupidity, it Burns!

This makes absolutely no sense to me at all:

Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions

The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies.
A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.”

What " actionable science"? Is Obama's brain completely rotted by the choom? With ZERO proof of any kind of "glowbull warmening", is it time to start growing atheists in foxholes?


...or how about this pile of used dog food:

Can The Economy Take Another Obama Punt Gun Blast?

Apparently the administration is going ahead with it’s plans to sue the EPA to take further shots at the economy.
I’m not sure what the thinking is behind this. Do they honestly believe that everything is peachy keen in the economy? Or that even the most onerous measures won’t any effect when the cost of compliance is already almost 2 trillion a year? Or that this will not heavily impact our ability to manufacture, our ability to trade and our ability to transport goods? For a goal that’s at best nebulous?
There comes a point when even the most robust economy will collapse under a regulatory burden that is too high.
This whole article is worth reading if you want to be absolutely disgusted. If Obama was out to completely destroy the U.S., he couldn't be doing a better job. "Fundamentally changed" yeah, he's done that. Do you think it's too late to change it back or are there too many stupid people in this country that think all the "free stuff" can continue endlessly? Nanny state and nanny is insane.

Actually, this is kinda good! ;o)

Maybe there IS something to it after all ;o)

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